Swedia – nama negara yang kalau disebut akan dapat beberapa respons umum dari orang banyak: “Oh, Swiss..” (respon dari mayoritas orang) dan “Swedia? Wah berarti semua orangnya bisa ngomong bahasa…
Category: Blog
Fun Facts about Lund: Not Just an Old University Town
What is on your mind if you hear someone mention ‘Lund’? I bet that Lund University is the first thing that comes to your mind. However, Lund is not just…
Some Tips That **Could** Maximize your Spending during Your Stay in Sweden
As a student, generally, our “kodrat” (re: nature) is basically to spend money, be it for grocery shopping, day-to-day transportation, or simply to have fun. As a not-so-frugal student who…